Playing Catch-Up

Fall Color 10/16/14New Life 10/16/14Morning Glory 10/16/14

I’ve been unavoidably detained~ but I have taken a few photos here and there when I could. As I play catch-up here on my beloved blog I am grouping things together in a time/theme fashion. My apologies for my absence. 😉

Breathe In Breathe Out

In contrast to my last post (Signs), I thought a gallery of very calm and peaceful photographs would be a nice juxtaposition. Thinking positive and calm thoughts~~~ *sigh*. Peace be upon you.

30 Shots Later

sunset 1

sunset 2

30 shots (of the sky, not booze) between 8:02:51 and 8:10:59. Just 8 minutes and what a change in color after the sun has set, and then *poof* all goes gray.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Adventure! (Part II)

sky dive

I guess it seems like everyday is an adventure when you are a bird. Here is a crow diving down oblivious to the linear beauty behind him. Weekly Photo Challenge: Adventure!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Adventure!

on wing

Some geese on their own adventure~ This week’s interpretation of The Weekly Photo Challenge: Adventure! was taken last March, 2014, in Worthington, Ohio, looking up in the sky.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Dialogue

I love this week’s photo challenge: Dialogue. I almost feel like I am back in art school again, but without the all nighters and cigarettes. Still have the drinking and music, so I guess half isn’t too bad for an old lady. Wink wink.

I decided to create my dialogue with 3 images, kind of a triptych, yet technically more of a triad, since they are a grouping not to work as a whole.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Texture

All these textures for the weekly photo challenge are from my garden. Yes, the aphids are rather gross, but they’d be a lovely feast for someone! I have never seen them like this. I sure hope that lady bug is hungry!