Weekly Photo Challenge: Room (II)

looking out my window

Yesterday as I hit my “wall of tired” (I am the damn tired-est person I know) I saw this cool doubling of the tree reflections out my window. So instead of taking a nap (it was rather late in the day for a nap at 7:30pm) I took a couple of photos, took the kids to the pool and knitted a baby hat. Then came home and watched Orange is the New Black. That is a darn good show if I do say so myself. I digress….I used the Colorstrokes program to enhance the photo. That is a really cool photo program to “colorize” photos. What you really do is drag in your photo as a color image, it makes it black and white, then you “paint” over what you want back in color and it reveals the true color. You can also do other things. Here I blurred the black and white part. I like it. This is my view out of my room, while in my room. Part 2 of my Weekly Photo Challenge: Room. 


1994 winter in MN 1996 April in MNSuffice it to say I am feeling nostalgic. I am trying to straighten up (no easy task). I have been thinking about what to post, but it has been busy and dreary here, so I haven’t taken too many photos. The snow we got the other day is almost gone. These are photos (yes, real film photography photo prints) I took in 1994 and 1996 respectively when I lived in Minnesota. Minnesota has real winter. Sometimes a tad stressful, but I got to enjoy some fantastic winter wonderlands.

Happy Holidays to Everyone!!! Like they say (not really) “If you got ’em, hug ’em!” Really, hug your loved ones. Or you might find yourself looking through old photos wondering where the time went. Cheesy, I know. But it is Christmas.

Foggy Bloggy

Yesterday was gloriously foggy in the morning. It does not seem very often, so it was a real treat! There is nothing else like it. It feels and looks other worldly, and smells delightful. I got up early this morning in hopes of a repeat, but I got nothing. Not even an exciting sunrise. Plain, boring, gray, rainy clouds. Oh well. I tried, which is better than nothing. I also included a shot of my new friend the super cute ginger squirrel who was not at all afraid of me, and he was HUGE! Fog! Love it!